6 free coding websites every beginner should try

6 free coding websites every beginner should try

this is my first blog , hope you find it useful !

1) Freecodecamp - freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, online publications and local organizations that intend to make learning web development accessible to anyone. Wikipedia Founder: Quincy Larson

2) Sololearn - SoloLearn is a series of free apps that allows users to learn a variety of programming languages and concepts through short lessons, code challenges, and quizzes. ... SoloLearn is available for free download for iOS on the App Store here and for Android on Google Play here.

3) Coursera - Coursera is an American massive open online course provider founded in 2012 by Stanford University's computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller that offers massive open online courses, specializations, degrees, professional and mastertrack courses.

4) Code.org - Code.org is a non-profit organization and eponymous website led by Hadi and Ali Partovi that aims to encourage people, particularly school students in the United States, to learn computer science.

5) Khan Academy - Khan Academy is an American non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by Sal Khan, with the goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students. The organization produces short lessons in the form of videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators.

6) Codewars - is an educational community for computer programming. On the platform, software developers train on programming challenges known as kata. These discrete programming exercises train a range of skills in a variety of programming languages, and are completed within an online integrated development environment

this is the end of the blog , I will catch you in the next one ! bye